Category: Installation , Interactive , Data
Step into the light to
discover the new Adidas collection.
The Stadium of Lights showed the future of football through three installations where you could test your skills and share your best scores on social media. A perfect sample of connected event combining live action, UX/UI conception and use of datas.
To build the Adidas Stadium of Lights experience,
it was necessary to think about the concepts of user
experience on a physical event. Developing the activity itself,
data capture and the management of participants' results are key steps
in setting up a complete experience.
Adidas took over the ground for this
new school year by opening the doors
of the Stadium of Lights (...)
Have you ever tried to challenge the
speed of light balloon to foot? On
September 9 and 10 adidas opens (...)
Spread the word to football and new
technology lovers: on September 9th,
the Stadium of Lights swill open (...)