Category: Website
Build an engagement platform.
"Action Contre la Faim" is an NGO that actively fights against hunger in the world through a diversity of actions and missions in many countries. How can all ACF's actions and varied communications be combined on a single platform in order to allow all visitors to have easy access to the information they are looking for, and to act against hunger?
To modernize and capture the attention of ACF's various audiences, we have reviewed the architecture and hierarchy of content, making the site an information crossroads, intuitive for all. The platform's graphics were aligned with ACF's new graphic charter, which resulted from its new positioning, thus ensuring greater consistency on all the brand's contact points.
The change of identity of "Action Contre la Faim" took place over a full year (January 2017 to January 2018). This new site is in a way the last act of this changeover.
It was a critical moment and we are already seeing very positive results: a greater understanding of ACF's mandate for complex activities, a greater attraction to the news, an increased visit time (+1min30 versus the old site), a lower rebound rate (-45%) and above all a much higher engagement rate (+75%).