Try Again

Category: Film , Campaign

Eat dirt. Taste Victory!

Eat dirt. Taste Victory!


Ubisoft launches Trials Rising, the new game of the legendary Trials franchise created in 2000. How, through an innovative asset, can the DNA Trials, built on self-sacrifice and technical mastery, be staged?


For the launch of Ubisoft's new Trials Rising game, 84.Paris has created a video clip featuring the game's hero: the famous biker with a motocross helmet will cross several scenes and help the various characters regain their self-confidence. "Eat dirt, taste victory!"

Watch the film.


For the release of the new
game in the Trials series,
Ubisoft has called (...)

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Released just one day ago on
PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo
Switch, Ubisoft's motorized (...)

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XBOX Gamer.

Ubisoft released a memorable
live-action launch trailer. Be
careful, the music stays (...)

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