Winter is
not coming

Category: Film

Is winter really coming?

Do you think the winter
is really coming?


While there are a lot of messages and warnings over climate change, young French people are not very involved because they do not grasp the consequences of the current situation. How can we raise awareness and engage the French on global warming, while also generating donations for the NGO?


In order to capture millenials' attention and engage them on the topic, we had to make us of current trends and focus on their interests. It was by building on the imminent release of Season 6 of Games of Thrones, and using the series' iconic codes, that we captured internet users' attention. Through a short teaser parodying the show we managed to deliver a powerful message on global warming.


This campaign, launched with limited media resources, generated 200,000€ of earned media, more than 3 million views and 125 articles.

Watch the film.


No HBO did not advance the start of
season 6 of Game of Thrones,
Greenpeace was inspired by the (...)

Read the article

A dark forest, snow falling: we are
without a doubt near the Wall, ready
to meet the king of the White (...)

Read the article

With the viral video "Winter is not
coming" by 84 Paris, parodying a
Game of Thrones trailer, the NGO (...)

Read the article

Watch the making of.